Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Learning can be fun!

Drain - it looks like a snowflake!
Hello there, hope everyone had a nice weekend!

I had a fun weekend, starting with my non-working Friday, I met up with a friend I haven't seen in over a year! Shopped a little and cooked dinner for the girls and Hubby.

Lemon and I went on our photography course on Saturday, it was really good, I learnt so much, some of which has popped my mind a bit, but I am sure with practise it will become second nature. We learnt all about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, framing, etc! It was fun to actually leave the classroom and try out the things we had been taught during the morning session.

Bench at Greenwich University
Today's pictures were taken during the practical part of the day and I am really pleased with them. It was a great gift from Hubby and I can't believe I waited so long to learn how to use my camera properly!

Its been nice thinking about my other interests and not just crafting and Christmas - my mind has been occupied with these 2 things recently and I needed a bit of a break, so the course and my Sunday of rest (Hubby and I ate a lot and watched 4 films - sweet!) has got me back on track and I will be hitting the craft room with a vengeance tonight.

I did an inventory last night, so I know what I really need to make ahead of Sunday's fair and the one on the 28th - which is good, it is better to be organised! I am planning 3 late craft nights this week - so watch this space for my tired, incoherent posts!


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