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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Retro Rubber Challenge #107.. Tic Tac Toe...


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge, I am currently in London, this is my second day in the office, it feels like it's been forever since I came home!

We have another Tic Tac Toe board for you, created by Jan..

Tic Tac Toe boards are so much fun. I went with the middle horizontal row - Thank You, Leaves, Repeat Stamping.

I dug into the archives for this card :)

The leaf  (Lace Leaf from 2016) is by Concord & 9th and I loved it SO much when I first got it, then it got a bit neglected.  I stamped the leaf first, then used the additional overlay panel to get the splatter. I didn't want to cover any of the leaf. So I hunted for the perfect sentiment stamp.

I remembered that I had this ancient (2014) Simon Says Stamp handwritten sentiment banners set and finally found it and it worked out perfectly here. Thank goodness for stamping platforms, meaning that I only had to move my paper not the stamp.

Fortunate that I happened to have a green card blank available, it helps that white panel pop a bit.

Which row will you choose? Pop over to Retro Rubber and get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends April 5th.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



  1. That's such a pretty leaf Clire, great pared-back design here! Hope London is being kind to you - we have lovely sunshine up north today!

    1. Sorry - Claire, not Clire (fingers faster than brain!)

  2. Lovely leaf image, Claire. It's made even better with the inks splatters and the stitched details.

  3. I am all about my stamp platform as well. Lovely springy card!


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