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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hello Sunshine...


Well it certainly is sunny in London, which has been a pleasant surprise.

Today's cards I made a couple of weeks ago.

I really wanted to play with a new to me MFT Pure Innocence set 'Beach Cutie'. I stamped, coloured and die-cut the stamp - I only used x4 colours to colour with and I love how they came out.

I wanted to use the 'Hello, Sunshine' sentiment that came with the set, so I hunted around for a die that would compliment it and pulled out a great freebie die that came from my old die-cutting magazine subscription.

I used cardblanks that coordinated with the stamp colouring and got really OCD by choosing my top panel and embossing powders to also coordinate!

I love the end result - they are both so pretty and were super simple to make.


1 comment:

  1. These are precious. Love the design. So glad that you are having a good trip. I'm so jealous.


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