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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Monster Hugs from Me to You..


So I am back in NYC now. I had a fun time in London, lots of work, but lots of hangs with some of my fave peeps and my family.

I didn't blog much whilst I was away and I'm learning to be ok with not posting every single's an internal struggle, but I am getting there!

I made today's card before I left for London. I saw something on Instagram that sparked this idea and I am pretty pleased with the end result.

I love Monster stamps and having a stamp and die of the word Monster is just amazing!

I used the Neat & Tangled 'Little Monster' set for the large word, large Monster and the sentiment. The other Monsters and stars are by Clearly Besotted and Mama Elephant.

I felt pretty brave with the overhanging word!

As JT said when I showed it to her over the weekend, the stars really make the card and I only added them because I wasn't a 100% happy with it!

Goes to show a small stamp can add a lot.


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