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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Catch The Bug: Humour Me Wednesday..


I am with the Catch The Bug Humour Me Wednesday challenge today.

We love to celebrate a 'holiday' with humour. I decided my card would celebrate today's National Chocolate Cupcake day!!

The Stella Kiss It stamp made me laugh and it handily had cupcakes in, so I could colour them to look chocolately, tying in nicely.

I coloured the image and then cut it out, leaving a white border, so it would pop against my pink papers. I have had these coordinating papers for AGES. I love the cake paper so much, it has been hoarded.

Hope you will be playing along too. Can't wait to see which image you choose to use.

Upload your makes at the Catch The Bug blog and check out the rest of the DT makes.


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