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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Sketch Saturday #488 Lemon Shortbread..


Happy Saturday to you and welcome to the latest sketch for the Sketch Saturday challenge.

Our sponsor this week is Lemon Shortbread and they are offering a prize of 3 digi stamps from their store.

Here's the sketch, another one by me..

I chose the Winter Girl stamp, as I thought she would make a great Christmas card.

I printed out the stamp and coloured her using Promarkers and Spectrum Noir sparkle pens. I don't use the oval window dies very often, so it was good to use them here.

I slightly cheated and moved my sentiment to the other side of the image, as I thought it worked way better there!

I love the giant glittery star, I have had these for years and I only have a couple left sadly.

I can't wait to see what you do with my latest sketch, but first check out what the rest of the DT have made over at Sketch Saturday.

Challenge ends 10th November 7pm GMT / 2pm EST



  1. I think she's colored beautifully, I think you made that sketch work ;) x

  2. Such a sweet card and I love the sketch design x


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