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Monday, November 6, 2017

Playdate Oxide Masking..


Happy Monday and Happy Birthday to Cheiron!

Yesterday I had a fun playdate with JT, I mainly gossiped and finished off bits and bobs, it has been forever since we did this.

JT had seen this fun distress ink masked striped background with a black image stamped over it. So we gave that a go, she has posted her makes today too.

The main card is my first attempt - LOVE Distress Oxides for this, they are so buttery and blend so well, Wilted Violet is my fave colour. I added a Zini and a sentiment by Simon Says Stamp (thanks Jen) to make a cheeky card for Cheiron.

Next card I got all brave!!

Yes I double masked and used RED ink over the green - big girl pants firmly pulled up.

As it felt so Christmassy it, it felt right to add the Avery Elle Santa and sentiment.

Love a playdate with my girl, especially whenI get to try out new fun things. We are now both officially Oxide fans, we really didn't see the point, but after I did a class with Cheiron and passed on the knowledge we love them. Classic case of read the manual right?


1 comment:

  1. Fab cards, love that you pulled on your big girl pants!


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