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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Playing with Ferns.....


I wanted to show you some things I've made using a new Fern background stamp.

The main photo today shows you the first card I made.

To create the background I inked up the stamp using two or three co-ordinating Distress Inks, then I spritzed it with water before laying my paper on top (this always stresses me out).

After rubbing the paper onto the stamp for a couple of minutes, I lift it off and dry it using the heat tool. The lift off moment is so nerve-wracking as I never know if I am going to get a inky wet mess or watercolourey perfection!

I decided to play around with the stamp a bit more to create backgrounds for some cards I am making as a gift for a friend.

Here are the finished cards -

I used word dies in similar colours, so it's a bit like camouflage.

I love the first card, the second batch, well I like them, but as JT would say, I don't love time I'll use contrasting colour words.


1 comment:

  1. Love that background, beautiful. You did make me laugh with your camouflage comment! I guess you could always pop another die cut in a contrasting colour on top of the original one to make it pop more if you wanted. Or you could just leave it as a hidden message *grin*. Cara x


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