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Friday, March 25, 2016

Happy Easter..


Well it's not quite, but it is Good Friday.

Hubby and I are in Tampa now, catching rays..

So as it's Easter I thought I'd show you another bunny that I rediscovered when making this card for Retro Rubber.

I love these Zlatoena Big Eared Bunnies..they are so much fun.

I coloured this one using Promarkers and added a bit of Wink of Stella here and there. I used a fab sentiment stamp by Hero Arts. It felt like it worked here.

A simple one-layer card.

Have a great Easter.



  1. *faints at the cuteness* such an adorable card, guaranteed to make anyone's day. Cara x

  2. Hi Claire, I can't seem to find your email address in my files! Can you please send me an email, I wanted to touch base with you about a few things!! Thanks! Crystal


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