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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Postage stamp thanks..


Happy Sunday to you.

Hubby and I are still in DC - more about that tomorrow.

Whilst Hubby was in the UK, I took 3 days off, so had a super long weekend. Which meant I got some serious time at my desk :)

JT bought me these great Spellbinders dies last year - as part of our usual $20 challenge.

I haven't used them a great deal and as I was off, I decided to have a play with them and a set of Papermania stamps I bought last year, that co-ordinate beautifully with the dies.

First I inked up the stamp with Black Soot and Festive Berries distress inks, spritzed it with water and stamped onto mixed media paper. I then dried it with my heat tool.

I like the effect that you get, you can kind of make out the detail of the stamp, but its also a bit grungy.

I used one of the smaller dies from the set to die-cut the stamped image and then the next size up for the red background piece.

The thanks die is by Lawn Fawn.

I made 2 of these cards, you can see that the spritzing and drying means you get a slightly different look each time..

Super simple cards, that use a fun technique and some of my stash that has been a bit neglected.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



  1. These are a great reminder that nesting dies are still a super effective way to get a fun card done. I completely forgot they were from the $20 challenge! Nice spritz + stamp combo, I like they are varied from each other. Really good to have masculine cards to hand as well! x

  2. Love this fab CAS card Claire!! the bold colours work really well together, and the postage stamp dies are awesome! :-)
    Hope you're having a great weekend!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx


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