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Monday, November 2, 2015

Anniversary fun in Washington D,C


Hope you all had a great weekend.

No cards today, just a little recap of our trip to D.C.

We had fun and it was really nice to catch-up as Hubby has been away for 10 turn next..

1 - Dupoint Circle Metro Station - very cool station, we both love Architecture.

2 - The Iron Gate - we went here for our anniversary dinner, it's an old carriage house and the photo is of the carriage way, which is where we ate.

3 - Lincoln Memorial - I really wanted Hubby to see this, because we have seen so many films / tv shows with it in and it is can't believe it until you have seen it.

4 - Halloween - Yes, our anniversary is on Halloween, but we don't really pay attention to all of that..until you see this amazing carved Pumpkin when walking through the Dupont neighbourhood.

5 - The White House  - it's so small?! 

6 - Trees - The trees are so beautiful in D.C, this is one of the many Autumnal trees that I photographed.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! looks like you had a wonderful Anniversary trip Claire! thanks for sharing your lovely photos… they are awesome!
    Hope you have a good week!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx


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