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Monday, March 16, 2015

Yes Flamingos Can Fly...


Hope you had a good weekend.

Hubby and I had a very relaxing weekend.
I also got a happy craft surprise, because I got a Cut Above mention for my entry to last week's challenge over at Paper Players. How cool is that!

I saw the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge this week - Things that Fly..I knew I had to enter, as I have a love affair with things that fly - birds. planes, etc but on the flip side, they scare me a bit :)

I decided to use a Pink Petticoat Flamingo, as I think most people don't realise that they can and do fly, but at night and for up to 300 miles without stopping - awesome right?

So I coloured the Flamingo using Promarkers and fussy cut him out.

I had the background on my desk already - made a few weeks ago using a Clear Scraps spiral stencil and Wendy Vecchi textured embossing paste.

To add a bit of sparkle, I got out the stencil and laid it over the embossing paste, using a super fine brush I added some metallic glitter paint over the embossing paste. It worked out well and my ancient pot of paint is still going strong!

I put the card together, but really couldn't find a sentiment that worked..finally I stumbled across some Birthday peel-offs and a light bulb went off in my head!

I'm pretty pleased with my card..despite the epic hunt for a sentiment :)



  1. I love this card and can't believe you made the background with texture paste! That layering is brilliant, cutting out the flamingo and arching the sentiment over it. Very clever man.

    1. Thanks man. I love Texture Paste, its such fun to work with. Those sentiments are from your old craft shop in Balham! Cx

  2. Oh Wow! this is gorgeous Claire… it's a beautiful design with the spiral… that looks like the sun… and the curved sentiment is perfect! I love flamingoes! we holidayed in South of France when I was in my 20s and every evening we'd watch them fly into the lagoon at sunset… SO beautiful !!
    Well done on your mention at Cut Above... that is cool !! :-))
    Hope you have a good week!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

    1. Thanks Sue - that must have been beautiful to watch. I saw them flying once years ago when I was working in Miami - amazing creatures. Cx

  3. Claire, this is great!! I love that burst behind the flamingo!! Cute idea!!

  4. What a fabulous creation, so pretty. Flamingo's are one of my favourite images!

    Thanks for playing along at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this week.
    Caryn xxx

  5. Super card Claire, you've reminded me that I made a card with this image some time ago and I don't think I've posted it, will have to check and make sure! hugs Carole Z X


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