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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Playing with ink...


I am SO happy it is the weekend..I need the rest.

I really wanted to send a friend some fun cards - she's the same one I made this tag for.

I had a little pack of wooden painted frames on my desk, so I decided these would form the basis for my cards.

I remembered a great card that I had seen by one of the Runway Inspired DT - Lindsay

I was inspired to try the same inky background, so I got out inks that contrasted with the frames and got to work..

There was no real idea behind putting the ink on the paper, I just smushed it around and kept going until I achieved the colour I wanted!

I went with landscape cards, suited my frames better. I stamped a sentiment onto the inked up card and then got out the dreaded UHU to attach my frame to the card!

I die cut feathers using a Memory Box feather die - you get one die and 2 different sized feathers. Once again I chose a contrasting colour. I added these to the frame using UHU.

It didn't quite feel right, so I added a mini heart. Perfect!

Here is the pink version  -



  1. Oh Wow! these are gorgeous Claire! I love the inky backgrounds… they look awesome… and the frame and feathers frame the sentiment beautifully! it's amazing how different they look in the varying colour combos…trying to pick a favourite but can't as they are all equally beautiful ! :-))
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  2. These are stunning Claire, I love the backgrounds and the frames really set them off...great in all the various colours too...fabulous! Hope you are having a great weekend,Hugs Carole Z X

  3. This is a really fun layout and technique - you are so right that heart makes the card complete. I love that little feather die - well jell! x


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