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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

WOYWW #287...Post Thanksgiving blues...


Hope everyone is good.

It's that time of the week where we swing by and visit Julia at her blog Stamping Ground, so we can nose at everyone's desks..join in why don't you...

I am feeling a bit blah after Thanksgiving. I really enjoyed the time off spent with Hubby and work is a bit serious right now :(

Anyway the 4 day break gave me the opportunity to have a serious play at my desk, so what you can see is what's left from a couple of epic sessions! On my craft mat you can see a new SSS stamp set (Dec card kit) and a heat embossed item (done using the card kit embossing powder and a BF Heidi Swapp stencil)..I am making a card for my Parents...

There is also sheet of coloured sticky dots..more about them next week :)

To the left of my photo you can see this -

Its for a work colleague based in Cleveland, we have just finished working on a huge project together and she was truly amazing to work with and I wanted to send her a little something. I made the card a bespoke size and made a matching envelope too. The stamp is by Hero Arts and was on my desk last week. I die cut it using a Spellbinders label die.

Elegant and simple. Perfect for my colleague.



  1. Awww, sorry to hear you have the blues & hope a little creating makes it better. Love that card, very elegant.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comments.

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #23

  2. Post holidays always seem to be followed by a blah session! Hopefully, you will pop out of it soon. Creating art always helps me... it's just the getting started part that I find the worst! :D What a sweet idea to send your colleague a handmade card to say thanks for being a great person to work with! :D We need so much more of that in the world... you are off to a good start! :D Look forward to seeing your creativity next week... til then,
    Hugs my sweet sister in art and happy WOYWW,
    Beth P

  3. Adore your card - sure your workmate will love it !!
    Hope that you are feeling more upbeat again soon !
    More crafting keeps the thoughts of work at bay I find ! Ali #51

  4. Lovely desk and beautiful card that your colleague will love. Hope the crafting lifts your spirits, after the holiday. Hugs, Chris # 15

  5. Your desk looks so organised. Don't fret we have Christmas galloping towards us at a fast pace!!
    Lovely card.

  6. Great card. It's strange how we can feel a bit down after a holiday but I don't think it's unusual.
    Hope you have a good week and more happy crafting, Angela x 28

  7. I am loving that card for your work colleague. I like the image and the Spellbinders you used with it. And I will be looking forward to seeing what colored sticky dots are, and how you will use them. Hugs! #55

  8. Love your card Claire, your colleague will be thrilled, wish my desk looks like yours at the moment - I can barely reach the keyboard this morning it's that much of a mess...:( hugs Carole Z X

  9. Lovely card and I hope your mood lifts as your get into creating more wonderful projects.
    sandra de @29

  10. Elegant and lovely card - your colleague will love it.
    Gabriele 12

  11. I'm sure your collegue will be surprised and will love the card you made her - it's elegant and beautiful indeed! Hope you don't have too much stress at work, live should not be stressful this time of year... enjoy the weekend!!! Happy (belated) woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #32

  12. That card is so elegant, I am sure your colleague will love it
    Bridget #4


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