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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Retro Rubber #3 - Sketch time...

Hi everyone,

Congrats to the challenge #2 winners. 

Now it's time for Retro Rubber challenge #3 - this time it's a sketch -

 I really wanted to use one of my Penny Black '12 Days of Christmas' stamps - they are such fun -

12 Days of Christmas by Penny Black - 2008
I love these stamps and when I originally bought them, I waited until AFTER Christmas so they would be on sale...

I used the '3 French Hens' image and sentiment for my card. The papers are all scraps and I shaped the tab by using a hexagon punch! I added a bit of bling so the right side wasn't so blank..

Now it's your turn to dig out your older stamps and see what you can come up with here - Christmas would be nice, but it's not a must have :) Pop over to Retro Rubber and see the rest of the team's ideas.



  1. What a fun stamp set! That french hen is having way too much fun!

  2. Too much fun! What a great clean and simple card using the sketch!

  3. LOL I get it! What a funny Christmas card! You need to ink up the rest of them now - they are just too cute! Love your card!!

  4. Oh this is fab Claire! I love how you've used the Sketch. The French Hen is wonderful… looks like he is well prepared for the festive season! ;-)
    Big hugs, Sue B xx

  5. Those are fun stamps!! Great job on this card!

  6. I am digging those stamps! Love the card! It makes me want to get a glass of wine!!

  7. Great job with the sketch! What a fun stamp :-)


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