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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tag You're It...


So whilst I was working on a challenge entry, I stumbled across another challenge blog - Tag You're It...

Seeing as I have just purchased a tag die, I thought it would be fun to enter and the inspiration piece is so gorgeous.

I used paper scraps for both tags, the star was stenciled using my new SSS mosaic stars stencil. I used a mixture of sparkle and white embossing powder. I kept the sentiment simple by using peel-offs and added bling for a fun touch. The ribbon was a gift from JT. The star paper is by Pink Petticoat and I thought it worked really well here.

Happy with this little impromptu tag card.



  1. I love the stenciled star on the card and CAS layout makes the gold really pop out against the black. Nice use of the scraps as well - super card.

  2. Ooh this is gorgeous Claire! I love the colours and sparkles! the gold star looks very pretty….
    this is CAS to perfection! :-)
    Hope you're having a great weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  3. Fab tag card Claire, this is a really useful die isn't it?! Love the star, hugs Carole Z X

  4. Oh, I love this! Fabulous take on Gayatri's card!


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