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Monday, October 6, 2014

Cutting Edge Challenge..


Hope you had a good weekend.

We had a pretty quiet one here in NYC. I broke out my sewing machine and altered a few items in my pile and finished a skirt I have been working on.

We also managed to Skype Hubby's Sister and our Niece and Nephew on Sunday AM, which is always fun. My SIL will be here towards the end of the month, so we are quite excited.

I recently found The Cutting Edge Challenge - related to all things die-cut (electronic and manual). This week's inspiration piece made me really want to enter -

I considered using a camera, but decided against it - didn't want to just replicate the inspiration.

I used a newish EK Success brickwork punch for the left hand border and attached it to an orange card base, so the pattern would pop. I die cut a telephone using my Silhouette Portrait and stamped the sentiment by WPlus9.

I love this card, so simple. I'm thinking I could replace the phone with animals, fruit, other objects?

Have a great Monday.



  1. Ooh this is gorgeous Claire! such a fab phone and the hello is perfect with it! I love the brickwork border against the orange… it's really fab and funky! :-))
    Hope you have a good day!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  2. Love this! Great challenge find, I will have to try and visit this one. Great use of that border punch, it looks amazing and I don't think I'd ever find a use for it but you make it look so modern here with the orange.

  3. Claire, the telephone is perfect! I love the border you chose for the side of your card too! Thanks so much for playing along with the Cutting Edge Challenge!

  4. It's just gorgeous! The border pattern and the phone are belonging to one age... Great!

  5. What a wonderful card, Claire!! A fantastic take on the inspiration with the brickwork border and black telephone...I'm so glad you were a part of the challenge this week at The Cutting Edge...thanks for joining us:)!!

  6. Sorry I've been missing my friend, going back to work and doing 2 craft workshops in one week made life even more hectic than usual and I haven't even wanted to look at a screen when I got home! Your card is gorgeous, love the border, hugs Carole ~ Z X


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