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Monday, October 13, 2014

Simon Says...Watercolour..


Hope you all had a great weekend. I had fun out and about in NYC with various friends. It was great to see my friend Steph and hang out with her.

I have some exciting news to share, but can't do it until Wednesday..

Talking of Wednesday, this weeks SSS Wednesday challenge is 'Watercolours'

I decided to use a Silhouette cut file and settled on the fun 'Happy Bird-Day' - its actually the front of a card file, that I modified.

I used a Prang watercolour palette (red and purple) and a flat 1/2inch brush. I went over the background with a wink of stella brush for a bit of shimmer. I added a bit of bling for some extra sparkle.

It was only after I photographed my card that I realised it was quite similar to a card by Jo on the DT - great minds think alike! The funny part is, I actually cut the file in black, but couldn't get it to pop against the watercolour background.

I am really pleased with my card - I''m happy that I left the raw edges of the background and didn't tidy it up.



  1. Ooh this is gorgeous Claire… I love the watercolour background…SO beautiful !! and the bird/cage is fab with the sentiment! :-)
    Hope you have a good day!
    Big hugs
    Sue B xx

  2. I love it and the raw edges add to the artistry - love this though I love a good pun in a greeting more than anything so that has me chuckling away! x

  3. Fabulous card, love the colours you've used for your watercoloured background.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

  4. Yes, great minds think alike ! I love the colours you have used and your die cutting, white looks fab !
    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Wednesday Challenge.

    Jo x

  5. Fab card Claire, love the use of the dies against the fab colours of the background, hugs Carole Z X


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