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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Playing with new dies..


Ever since I saw Marion Vagg's work earlier in the year (she is my fave craft crush 2014), I have wanted the MFT Die-namics chevron dies that she used on some of her cards, I tried to recreate the same feel using Silhouette cut files, but it isn't as easy as using the dies.

So I used some of my SSS vouchers that I got for my birthday to purchase them -

I was most excited about playing with my new dies. So I cut a bunch of strips whilst Skyping Lemon on Sunday.

The card you see here is for a friend and I kept it simple to showcase the chevrons. I decided to use a Technique Tuesday Hello die in the same colours for the sentiment.

These dies have so many possibilities...I can't wait to play with them more.



  1. Mmmm chevrons. I love them with the die cut sentiment - super color combo.

    1. I'll send you some of the chevrons - email me some colour choices. I would love to gift you the dies, but I am not Baron Rothchild..these babies are PRICEY!!

  2. Oh Wow! what a fab design Claire! those Chevrons look really cool… gorgeous colours! and the hello is perfect:-)
    Have a good day!
    Big hugs
    Sue B xx

  3. Finally catching up with missed posts! Never seen these dies but they look like they could be really useful, fab card, love the colours! hugs Carole Z X


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