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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WOYWW #235 - Black Friday Stash Frenzy!!


This last week has flown by, can't believe that it is time for WOYWW already and that my time with JT has been and gone (she'll be back at Christmas). For those of you wondering what WOYWW is, go over to Stamping Ground and join Julia and the rest of the gang for the weekly global desk nose.

So JT and I had a fun Black Friday enhancing our stash :) I thought I would share my haul - some of it came from JT, as part of our usual $20 challenge (we have to buy each other craft things within a budget and  certain parameters - e.g spots, hearts, 50% off). I also managed to do ALL of my Christmas shopping - score!! Everyone except Hubby.

The main photo is of what 'fell' into my basket...Hexagon dies (from JT), various sized bling, studio calico paper pads ($1.49), thickers letters, Darice embossing folders...3 kinds (only $2 each set), my coffee mug - not part of the haul :), Tim Holz blueprint stamps, Ranger Ink blender,  star stencil, birdie stencils (from JT), fabric stickers...what will I be doing with these? My glasses, random embellishments and my tweezers.

I also got new Promarkers!! Yay!! JT bought 2 sets in the sale and we each chose 12 colours that we liked the best...they are so yummy. I can't wait to get a new bulb for the craft zimmer, so I can use the new colours.

Here is a photo of something I have made using some of the new goodies..

I used washi tape that JT bought me and a Tim Holz blueprint stamp..I left the section above the stamp blank, as I thought the recipient might want to stamp / add their own sentiment..

Mucho goodies for me to play with...I am hoping to swing some serious time off over Christmas so I can have a proper session. In the mean time, Hubby and I will be heading to Atlantic City this weekend taking advantage of the free stay that we got following my winning birthday weekend.

I'm off for a nose now.



  1. WoWza - what a fantastic selection of goodies :-)
    You made me so jealous now :-D

    HAPPY WOYWW #235

    IKE in Greece #24

    My Challenge Blog:
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  2. Wish we had Black Friday here! Postage from the online stores just kills the deals so it is not worth it. Love what you got. Love what you made already. #35

  3. WOW thats a awesome lot of goodie! I see lots of fun things. I didn't go out.. well I never do, but my girl hooked me up with the on line thing yesterday. So I have goodies coming and i cant wait. Thanks for the peek.. Im off to bed. Roberta 34

  4. What a wonderful stash haul!! LOVE those Tim Holtz stamps!! I have been trying to curb my spending...but I am loving many goodies out there lol! Hope you get a chance to play with them before Xmas as well as after :-). Happy WOYWW.
    Janene #26

  5. What a haul! Love all that goodness displayed on your desk. You are going to be one busy girl!
    Glenda 67

  6. What a lovely lot of goodies! You must be feeling sooo excited by all this! Julie Ann xx #52

  7. I am loving all your new stash Claire, it sounds like there were some great bargains to be had, and how lucky are you winning a weekend away. Enjoy Atlantic City and your week! Danie #25

  8. Can I send you some money and you can purchase for me. Seriously that is one really great stash you have. I am serious girl...... Thanks for sharing and for visiting.

    Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
    Eliza & Yoda 2

  9. Wow, that is a wonderful deskful of goodies!!! You sure did some serious shopping! Happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS@9

  10. Wow...I think it was very controlled of you to stop at that amount...paper pads for a buck and a half..amazing!

    1. I have to confess, this isn't the full haul Julia, there are x3 more paper pads 12x12 that were $5 each...


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