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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Anything Goes...using Tim Holz products...


So as I got some new Tim Holz stamps, I thought I would use those along with a stencil and enter the Simon Says Stamp Challenge this week.

The theme is Anything Goes and the DT are showcasing Tim Holz / Ranger products.

I am so pleased with my card, it came out exactly as I wanted it to. Although I am sad to say the photo isn't great as a bulb has blown in the craft room!

I used -
Tim Holz blueprint stamp - camera
Tim Holz honeycomb stencil
Tim Holz distress inks in Broken China and Weathered Wood
DCWV blue adhesive paper strip
Hero Arts Happy Birthday Stamp
Versamark black ink
Sequins - from my stash

I am really enjoying Stenciling now, I am starting to get better at blending the inks. I am looking forward to being able to have a serious play with my stencils over the Christmas break.


1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Fabulous job showcasing the Timmy products! :) Thanks for joining us over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this week!


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