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Friday, November 1, 2013

Sexy sparkly Christmas...

Happy Friday to you! Hubby and I had a wonderful Anniversary dinner last night, the restaurant was the perfect oasis in amongst all the Halloween madness here in NYC!!

I really wanted to enter the Kenny K challenge #158 Holiday Sparkle as I haven't entered for a while and I also wanted to use my Mrs Claus stamp.

I stumbled across a sheet of glitter velum in my stash and thought that would be perfect for this challenge. Unfortunately it didn't really work against the white card, so I had to put a red layer behind it and now you can see my ATG tape - FAIL...but now I think it looks more like 2 red stripes and I love that my fail has become a feature, so I am still entering it.

The red border is an offcut from the red background layer and the sentiment was made using my fave EK Success punch. I also used Stickles to glitter up the white parts of Santa's outfit. The star is all glittery and part of a set that I 'rediscovered' Of course she was coloured using my Promarkers (I wish they sold them here in the US)...

Here is a close-up so you can see the glitter velum and the stickles on her outfit - unfortunately, it was all hard to photograph....or I am just not good enough?!

I love her, she now needs a good home!

Have a great weekend, Hubby and I will be hanging with his folks who are in town for a week.



  1. Oh Wow! she is one sassy lady Claire! you've coloured her beautifully! I love the effect of the vellum - your fail definitely turned into a beautiful feature!!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  2. Oh I wouldn't have realised that the red stripes were a mistake until you pointed it out! It's a great card and a fab image.


  3. Awesome card and great *fail* turnover :) That's what crafting is all about..the unexpected lol Thanks so much for playing with us at KennyK Krafty Krew’s *Holiday Chic* challenge ! Good luck in the draws, top 3 and spotlight!

    Tammy, KennyK Designer & Facebook Admin from Créations LaDiva :) xx


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