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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Moving Along With The design papers


Team B are back this week over at MAWTT with a fun challenge from design papers..which is challenging, but lots of fun, as you have to explore all other aspects of your kit.

I am very happy with my card, it's so cheerful! And I got to use lots of different parts of my kit.

I die cut a polaroid style frame using my Silhouette, paper doilies, a strip of blue paper, some buttons and twine. The image is a digital stamp by Pink Petticoat and part of the Beach Cottage image set..I love this set and it has beautiful papers.. I coloured the image using Faber Castell Gelatos and an aquabrush.

The lettering was tricky, because every time I tried a solid colour it fought with the blue I got creative and cut it out in white and then using a stencil I coloured it using 3 different shades of blue and a bit of white..complicated?! Maybe :)

Do pop over to the Moving Along With The Times blog and get inspired by the fabulous creations by the rest of the DT.

One more thing before I go...I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to my I can finally give him his prize winning card :)



  1. It's great, Claire. Blue and white make it look very crisp - mine looks very messy in comparison! lol Hazel x

  2. Happy Anniversary xxx Love this card its so fresh and cheery, Hope alls well, Love Hazelxox

  3. You have made this (hard) challenge look easy with your fabulous card Claire, so fresh and gorgeous!
    Happy Anniversary and happy Halloween too, it should be a lot of fun in New York tonight! I was there for Halloween a couple of years ago
    Hugs Laurie xx

  4. Oh I love this card Claire - it really is a happy card and the colours are gorgeous! I like the way you've made the boat image look like a polaroid… and the lettering and embellies are fab… it's a beautiful design!
    Glad you had fun with this challenge! :-)
    Happy Anniversary!!
    Big hugs
    Sue xx

  5. Fabulous card Claire, I love how you've colored your lettering! Happy Anniversary!
    Hugs, Tammy

  6. Hey ladies, it is indeed Halloween frenzy here! Thanks for the lovely comments on my card and for the Anniversary wishes. Cx

  7. Fab card and happy anniversary to you too :)

    Susan x

  8. Hi Claire, apologies for being so late to get round to comment on your card - getting over school holidays and lots of home improvements going on, so busy - busy - busy!!

    Great card - love the sweet image and the little buttons are a great touch.


    PS- belated anniversary wishes and can't imagine what Halloween would be like in New York, bet it's nothing like in rural Lincolnshire!!!


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