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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Some of my favourite things...

Firstly, I want to wish my Parents a very Happy Anniversary today...they have been married 9 years and together for 40 something?! I believe they waited for their child to be organised / old enough to plan their wedding :)

I am having a good week so far...I have Nkem here in NYC with Hubby and I, which is nice and we spent last night chilling and crafting (well I was crafting..).

It was sad to say goodbye to Lemon, but it was awesome to have her with us for so long.

I saw the CAS-ual Friday's challenge and as it incorporates 2 of my fave things - Chevrons and Sequins (#116)..I felt I had to enter :) I decided to combine it as my first ever entry to the Silhouette Weekly Challenge...Frames and / or Flowers.

The main photo is my entry

The pink-ness of the card is totally just seemed everything I touched last night was pink! The flower sequins are a fave and they are from a prize I won ages ago. The chevron frame was cut using the Silhouette, which I am now slowly getting the hang of! The sentiment is by Stampin' Up and is one I use surprisingly often.

All in all it's come out quite well and I think I might just have a use for it..



  1. So happy you played along with this challenge, especially because it shows your love of sequins and chevrons! Love how your sequins aren't round too! Thanks for joining us at CAS-ual Fridays ;-)

  2. Oh I love the floral sequins!!! Thanks for playing along with CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!!

  3. Cute! I like the chevrons on the frame! Thanks for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!


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