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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Last Margarita's...

Last night we had our last Margarita's with Lemon, as she leaves at 4am on Monday - boo!

It's been a lot of fun and now Nkem is here, so more fun will ensue I am sure.

Yesterday morning I managed to do quite a lot before Nkem arrived...Skyped with JT (lots of good news from her..) and Ma (who has gifted me this awesome site to buy patterns from) and managed to have a play with the new Silhouette.

I really wanted to enter Freshly Made Sketches this week, as the sketch and the DT takes on it were very inspiring.

Here is the sketch -
My main photo today is obviously the entry and I decided to use one of my least fave items - coloured doily's alongside a new bit of lettering (Hello) from the Silhouette which I am very pleased with - as it was made using a font I own and required no purchase!! I also used a green paper from the dots and stripes 6x6 stack by American Crafts (Marshalls $1.99 bargain) and some of JT's punched butterflies (which we all know I love).

It all ended up rather green, but I like the feel of it and I think it's one to keep in my stash for sending to special people.

Hope you had a happy Saturday too..Hubby has to work today, but Lemon, Nkem and I are off to Governor's Island on a little bike tour, you get to see the Statue of Liberty reasonably close-up from Governor's Island.


1 comment:

  1. Pretty card Claire! I love the green doily and the pretty little butterflies! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!


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