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Monday, March 11, 2013

Stamping Crazy!

Before I get onto the title of my post, I wanted to show you the gift I made for my Ma for Mother's Day - not a great photo, as I had to take it on my phone after she opened it as I forgot before...

It is my first attempt at using Fimo, but I think it came out well. I used microwaveable Fimo, which is AWESOME!!
The box frame was super cheap from The Range and I bought it because of a post on Ria Gall's blog - have a look at some of her later posts, you will see the amazing frame she created. More Fimo later in the week.

Back to I am not working I have restricted myself to a rather tighter budget thast usual, which is fine, but restricts the craft goodies I can indulge in :(  I stumbled across a new magazine called 'Get Stamping' - the first issue has these really cool stamps -
I wouldn't call the stamps free, as the magazine was quite expensive, but I think it was worth it, as I have been playing with the stamps and they have inspired lots of ideas.

The main photo today is one of my fave ideas from my little trying out the stamps session. Making one of the mustaches red makes the rest of them seem really sharp. I need to work on cutting out the Happy Birthday stamp, it's a bit crooked :)

The next photo is another fave - I totally love Foxes and so having a Fox stamp is awesome in my mind! I got to use one of my new charms (bought a few weeks ago from The Works), some of my fave paper twine and brown craft paper from Paperchase. 

Foxes close-up so you can see the charm
I like the idea of alternating the Foxes. The brown Fox was stamped using Gingerbread Tsukineko Dew Drop ink. These are my absolute all time favourite inks. The colour you get from them is amazing.

I've never been a big fan of stamps that are lots of words, but I thought the one that came in this set would be easy to use. I tried a few ideas and settled on this one - 

Happy Everything sums up this stamp for me :)

I have more examples using this stamp set, but I think this post is starting to take on a life of it's own, so I'll be off now.



  1. Hello awesome new stamps! Welcome to the Ham n' Mule collection. I expect to see you on the next play date. With love, JTx

    1. Oh craft buddy you are bad...I'll do a loan for the eiffel tower :)


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