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Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy International Women's Day

What better way to celebrate International Women's Day than entering a Kenny K challenge this week - #133 Lace and Pearls.

I have spent most of the week looking around the craft room for no avail. Then yesterday I was out and came across this amazing tape, which totally looks like lace!

The main photo (slightly blurry...) is my entry - using the Jayne Jettpack stamp that I won in a Kenny K challenge. I coloured her with Promarkers and added some glitter glue for standout. 

It's a bit of an unusual thank you, but I like it!

Here's a close-up so you can see the tape.

Love the lace tape!
Have a happy weekend everyone, I will be mostly 'doing' Mother's Day this weekend with Ma and my MIL.



  1. Fun thank you card;) One of my favorite images and love the lace tape, too! Thank you for joining the Kenny K Krafty Krew this week and good luck!

  2. Your colouring is amazing and I LOVE that tape :D I hope you have a great day with your Mum and MIL.
    Thank you for joining us at KennyK's Krafty Krew and good luck.

    Huge hugs

    Amy xx

    P.S. If you would like to go on a crafty weekend or a day break there are still spaces on the one I run yearly in October. For more information CLICK HERE

  3. she looks gorgeous, your colouring is fab!
    thanks for joining KennyK's,

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  5. lol..ok..I think the caption should read " Thank you Sir, may I have another?"....if you've read 50 Shades of Grey, then you will understand my my!!

    1. Ha ha Sandee you crack me up and I have read it so I know exactly what you mean :)


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