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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Project Doily

Hi! Bit of a radio silence from me, I've spending QT with my family, hubby and some friends. It's been fun

Doilies have been everywhere I have been lately. They have also been residing on my desk mainly unused, due to fear and lack of inspiration.

A quick nose around Pinterest and here we are a few days later with Project Doily.

I wanted to make some cards that were a bit of a departure for me. I made 5 - one of which you have already seen. I really don't like the Mother's Day card, but thought I'd share and get some feedback...

First up is today's main photo. I love this card, but it wasn't simple, it was mighty time consuming and I will need to leave it on the drying rack for sometime, so I can look at it LOTS before I use it.
I used a Papermania doily, a kraft card, DCWV Latte 6x4 paper stack, random buttons, JT's butterfly punch, a tag punch and 'hello' stamp.
Why was it so time consuming...well the punching of the 3 butterflies and layering them to create the desired effect was a pain...the ACTUAL stitching of buttons (jeez I need to go back to work) to the paper and making sure everthing stuck down right and didn't bulge wasn't fun either..but it is beautiful...

Here are some close-ups of the butterflies and the buttons.

Next is this simple beauty - done with the time consuming part of this little project...

I used a white mini doily from eBay, a Papermania paper flower, a Sizzix die cut flower, a button and a 'hello' stamp.
Nice and straightforward, not a lot of work and it's really effective.  I like using kraft card blanks, as I feel you don't really need a background paper.

This card is a little bit unusual and I made it because I really wanted to figure out a way to use the beautiful paper. I got it free with a magazine ages ago and thought that with the doily, a flower and a sentiment it might just work. I think it's a tad fussy, but I kind of like it.

Finally is this Mother's Day card....I don't like it, I followed a Pinterest idea and I think there is too much going on..

What do you think about it? I think I don't like coloured doilies so much...



  1. Love the varied uses of the doilies! I think the bottom one is my favourite - so funny it's bottom of your list. Too funny. I like the yellow flower one a lot as well. Big love.

  2. They all look great, Project Dilies is a success! ( I think I don't like the dark colors paired with the pink on the last one ) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  3. I'm with you, not sure on the coloured doilies. I love the cards, the top two are my favs. The layouts are great.


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