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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Badges - A tutorial

Happy Valentine's Day!! Time to give Hubby his challenging winning card :)

Before I get into the tutorial, I thought I would share a picture of the cookies I made Hubby for VDay...As you can see from the cutter they were going to be Cows (for some reason I have a Cow cookie cutter and circles and that is it?!)

Unfortunately due to the soft nature of the dough - which is yummy and easy and the recipe is here, they came out like this...
Is it just me or do they look like slightly deformed Cats?! Anyway it's the thought that counts and they taste good! Just be glad I didn't take a picture of them iced and with sprinkles...they look like road kill :)

WOYWW was good fun yesterday, I managed to get around quite a few of the blogs and saw some really great things. You will be happy to hear that the little heart card I showed you yesterday has gone to my Ma was here yesterday and took it with her to give to him..

Yesterday I mentioned that I have been making badges for kids birthday's. You saw the badges on my desk and as promised here is the tutorial.

The main photo is of a finished badge attached to a card.

Step 1 - things you will need

A piece of foam, a digital stamp - mine is by Bugaboo Stamps (or design of your choice), x2 dies that nest (or punches), a safety pin, some pens for colouring and glitter glue.

Step 2 - Cutting

Using your dies or punches - cut a piece of foam using the biggest die. Then using the smaller die cut out your stamp.

Step 3 - Colouring

Colour your stamp, using colours that contrast with the foam and your card.

Step 4 - Assemble the badge

Poke x2 holes in the foam and attach your safety pin. Add glue or tape to your finished stamp and affix to the front of the foam.

Step 5 - Finishing touches

Now add some glitter glue for some sparkle...voila! Badge

These are super easy and fun to make, the fun bit is making the card that the badge goes on :) I affixed my badge to the card using double sided foam tape.



p.s feel free to share the tutorial, but please link back to this post and / or credit me.

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