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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Fusion Card Challenge - Grey Christmas...


Welcome to the last Fusion Card Challenge of 2021! How quickly did that go?!

This time we have 'Grey Christmas' for you! As always both the sketch and the inspiration image are awesome.

Which will you try?

This time I just went with the sketch.

The background stamp is by Studio Calico 'Scandinavian Christmas' and is one of my all-time fave stamps. It's always fun to colour and worked really well with the scalloped die. I added a sentiment and the bow to finish it off and match the sketch.

This super fun card got added to my stash :) and will be heading out to someone soon.

Make sure you check out all the rest of the inspiration by the DT over at the Fusion challenge blog, and play along with your own creation! When playing along you may use the sketch OR the photo to inspire your makes. OR, if you are feeling adventurous, you can fuse them together (see what I did there!).

Can't wait to see your makes. 

Challenge ends on December 7th.

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, Happy Thanksgiving to you, remember to take some time and tell your loved ones how grateful you are to have them in your life.

See you in January 2022.



  1. Sweeet background stamp - so cute for the holidays!

  2. Lovely card card Claire. That middle panel is sweet.


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