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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Fusion Card Challenge - Kitty Butterfly...


Welcome to another fantastic Fusion Card Challenge.

This time we have 'Kitty Butterfly' for you! As always both the sketch and the inspiration image are awesome.

I decided to be brave and fuse them because I had a crazy idea in mind..

I used a pencil to recreate the sketch on my white panel and then I masked off all the individual areas and blended them using distress oxides. I was pretty pleased with the outcome.

I knew I was going to use this amazing stamp by Carabelle Studios x Birgit Koopsen 'Cat Angel' - isn't it gorgeous.

It came out exactly as I had imagined and I just added a simple Happy Birthday and it is now winging it's way to my boss in London.

Make sure you check out all the rest of the inspiration by the DT over at the Fusion challenge blog, and play along with your own creation! 

When playing along you may use the sketch OR the photo to inspire your makes. OR, if you are feeling adventurous, you can fuse them together (see what I did there!).

Can't wait to see your makes. 

Challenge ends on August 17th



  1. So creative and a very fun birthday card!

  2. This has turned out beautifully Claire! I love the inked and overlapped sections and the uncoloured cat is perfect - especially since cats are masters of disguise in real life!! Thank you for your comment about 'My Precious' - it makes me so happy that it made you chuckle :D Vicky x


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