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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Fusion Card Challenge - Beach..


Welcome to another fantastic Fusion Card Challenge.

We have a great Beach-themed image for you this time and of course an amazing sketch. You can fuse them together or just use the theme or the sketch.

Which will you try?

Oddly for me, I did not fuse my card, I was instead, inspired by the hat and the bag in the image.

I LOVE RongRong Devoe stamps, they are so fun. And I knew the minute I saw this image that I would be using a stamp from her 'Just Relax' set.

I stamped the lady first (isn't her dress fab?) and then I masked her off, so I could stamp the dots over the top (MFT Lots of Dots background). I then used Copics to colour her and added a sentiment from the set.

I love how it came out, the contrast of the green against the yellow is perfect!

Make sure you check out all the rest of the inspiration by the DT over at the Fusion challenge blog, and play along with your own creation! When playing along you may use the sketch OR the photo to inspire your makes. OR, if you are feeling adventurous, you can fuse them together (see what I did there!).

Can't wait to see your makes. 

Challenge ends on July 6th.



  1. Well now this lady is stylin'! Love it!

  2. How clever to get your inspiration from the hat and it!!!

  3. Fab background and love that lady - feelin' her summer vibes.


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