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Monday, April 19, 2021

Digital Scrapbooking: Designed by Soco March...


Happy Monday to you!

I thought I would show you a couple of my fave layouts that I made as part of my Designed by Soco creative team commitments in March.

I actually made about 10 layouts, but didn't want this post to be crazy, so chose 2 for you :)

The main photo made me laugh, the minute I saw the 'Weekend Vibes' words and cards, I knew I had to use this crazy photo of Lisette and I that we sent to Hubby to let him know that we had arrived at Foxwoods safely. I used - 

The next layout makes me smile everytime I see it, as I did an impromptu photoshoot with Hubby and Clint Catwood to get the hilarious photo shown here!

I used a new release - 

And I used it with a fave Designed by Soco template that I rotated.
Cards & Words No.7

Fun layouts, I am really enjoying my guest slot with Soco and her team, I'll be sad to leave when June comes around.


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