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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Retro Rubber Challenge #146 Colour me scary....


Welcome to another awesome Retro Rubber challenge.

It's almost that time, so we have a little scary colour theme for you...

I love working with a limited colour palette, so this was definitely the challenge for me!

I hand painted the background using Brea Reese orange glitter ink - here is a close-up because IRL it is SO sparkly..

Then I heat embossed the crazy bats and the sentiment in white onto a black panel. The stamps are 'Little Batty' by Unity Stamp Co AND shame on me, I have had them since 2018 and they are NBUS. So I was very happy to use them here.

I popped that panel up onto my background and added black enamel dots here and there to finish my card.

It was the first one of MANY Halloween cards that I made this year!

What will you use the colours to make? Don't forget to pop over to Retro Rubber and get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends October 30th.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



  1. Wow! Loved your bold orange background even BEFORE I saw it was glittery to boot! Such a good idea! And the wee embossed bats just take the cake. Great job with this palette, Claire.

  2. Aww!! Love your line up of cute little bats, the sentiment is perfectly fitting.
    Awesome background too.
    Great card, teammie.
    Stay healthy and safe.

  3. Nice card, congrats 👏👏💐
    Have a great day 😊


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