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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Motivational glaze...



So I don't really use large stickers that much when I am crafting.

But this set of motivational stickers from Target for $1 were too good to walk away from, but what would I do with them..

As the stickers have gold text I thought it would be good to co-ordinate my backgrounds. Cue a bunch of backgrounds that I had ready-made (see Monday's post). I just cut them to size and added a little black square to made the sticker pop a bit more!

The backgrounds were made using Picket Fence Paper Glaze in Golden Rose, through stencils. SO pretty and I really like working with this glaze, it's very smooth, but not runny.

I made a bunch of cards, but only photographed x2 of them!

Always happy when a crazy idea comes together perfectly...



  1. These are AMAZING! Love those backgrounds!

    1. Thanks LeAnne, I love working with pastes. Cx


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