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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Retro Rubber Challenge #137.. Sketchy Collab..


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge. This time we are teaming up with Double Trouble.

Our challenge is a sketch challenge so all you have to do for Retro Rubber is to make a card using our sketch and at least one stamp older than a year.

The Double Trouble challenge requirements are:
Thing 1 – Trouble Maker: 3-2-1 Recipe: 3 colors – 2 embellishments – 1 old stamp
Thing 3 – Twisted Sister: Follow our RRCB sketch but do not use ovals, circles or rounded corners.
Thing 2 – Double Dare (Optional): If you used the RRCB sketch and the 3-2-1 Recipe be sure to link your card Double Trouble’s challenge to receive an additional chance to be in Double Trouble’s random draw.

I combined the challenges like this - 
Thing 1 - 3 colours (gold, blue, yellow), 2 embellishments (x2 little blingy gems), 1 old stamp (Prehistoric by Neat and Tangled, that I have had since 2018).
Thing 3 - Use the sketch, but no rounded corners (I used a hexagon)
Thing 2 - Combine both - yay!

My background was created by smooshing distress inks, the vertical paper strip is SO old, I believe that I bought that paper with my Momma BEFORE I got married 11 years ago.. The hexagon die is by Spellbinders and was a gift from my friend JT, because I love Hexagons so much. I die-cut it from a glittery gold paper. The 'rawr' banner and the Woolly Mammoth are from the Neat & Tangled set and I got them second-hand from my friend Cheiron. The white banner is one of the awesome Taylored Expressions simple strips.

Show us your interpretation of the double challenge or just our sketch and pop over to Retro Rubber and Double Trouble to get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends June 26th

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, which is part of the fun of our challenge, and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



  1. Ok Claire, this Mammoth is just adorable, it reminded me of the movies "Ice Age", soo cute!!
    Your smooshed background is fabulous, I sooo need to try that!
    Super cute card.

  2. Claire your background is beautiful and like the stitched frame and gold glitter panel and shape chosen (could be the elephant's drum at a circus... great interpretation of the sketch and thanks for using our Recipe for your card... don't forget to enter your card on our challenge.

  3. What a great spotlight card and never thought to just draw your spotlight lines and color within... very clever and beautiful card. Love it all. Thanks for using our 3-2-1 recipe and use of triangle in your card and don't forget to enter your card in our challenge...

  4. Claire - love your background! Your wooly mammoth is fun, too. Perfect for a little (or big!) boy for his birthday! Thank you for partnering with us at Double Trouble!!! -Donna

  5. Such a cute card, Claire! We're so glad you played along with us at Double Trouble #59.


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