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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Playdate: Nom Nom Kitties..


A couple of weeks ago JT and I had an EPIC playdate, it was the weekend that we should have been together in Atlantic City for our 5th Annual craft adventure weekend!

Obvs due to the pandemic we had to make do with Skype instead and it was totally fine, there was much laughter, gossip, booze and some card making LOL.

We started out with a recipe - fave animal, black & white, yellow, alphas - both of us struggled with the alpha part, so we cheated and left that out. My card is the top left one.

I had a clean of the craft room the night before the playdate and found the Nom Nom Kitties by Mama Elephant that I had forgotten about and never inked!! So I decided they would be my stamp set of choice during the playdate.

For our second card, we used an old card of JT's as a layout/sketch example and my card is top right.

Finally, the third card was just a free for all and as I had picked up the leftover yellow ink with a tag, I used that and the remaining Kitty and Sushi tray - this one went to JT along with an envelope of stuff I have had stashed for her.

All 3 cards came out so well and who knew I could find so many uses for Kitties eating ramen and sushi!

Better yet, it was a fabulously long, silly playdate. It wasn't AC, but lets be frank, our livers and our wallets are eternally grateful for virtual v face to face!



  1. Such cute kitties, love these cards.

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