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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Shopping Our Stash: Under the Sun, Moon and Stars..


So, my Retro Rubber teammate, Maria is DT over at Shopping Our Stash and I saw her card, so I went to check out the challenge.

They have a theme of Sun, Moon, and Stars.

I knew exactly which stamp set I was going to use and I am 100% embarrassed to say that this beautiful set 'Late Nights' by Pink Fresh Studio (retired) has been owned by me since 2017 and had not seen ink until Thursday night..

I really didn't have to do much, the stamps are so beautiful, they just pop off the card and don't need to be over-embellished. I love all of the details in the stamp and the smiling moon is lovely.

I made x2 cards because the set was out and I have ALWAYS wanted to play with it, but just kept neglecting it.

I used Altenew Starlight ink - love Altenew inks.

I die-cut navy cardstock as a mat, so the white stamped panel would pop even more.

Can't lie, I am feeling super pleased with myself at how gorgeous these are. I hope the stamp set will forgive me for the terrible neglect.

Lockdown can be a wonderful thing..



  1. Hey RETRO RUBBER teammate!!! thanks for the shout out my friend, I sure appreciate it.
    And I love your card Claire, this image is absolutely endearing and the sentiment so inspiring for any child, no matter the age.
    Books are your ticket to go anywhere, especially now that we must stay indoors, open a book and be on your way.
    Thank you for playing along with us at SHOPPING OUR STASH, I hope you come and play again next time.
    Sending virtual hugs.

  2. Ohhhhhhh that stamp set is amazing!
    I love the monochrome feel of your cards with the image and sentiment!
    Thanks so much for joining the SHOPPING OUR STASH crew to celebrate the sun, moon and stars!!

  3. oh WOW, i loooooooove that stamp set! and clearly you were saving it for exactly the right occasion and this was totally IT! thanks for SHOPPING YOUR (sun, moon & stars!) STASH with us! ♥


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