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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Retro Rubber Challenge #132.. Be Squared..


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge, a couple of weeks ago the RR DT did a google meet-up and omg it was so nice to see everyone for the first time ever. CV-19 is creating a mess in the world, but some good things are coming out of it too.

We have a fun theme for you this time -

I like squares, they suit my linear brain!

I used all Concord & 9th products here, the background blocks set that I bought in 2017, but couldn't really afford the letter/number dies that you can use with the set. BUT I got lucky in their blowout sale earlier this year and got them for a steal.

I stamped the blocks in x4 colours of Altenew inks (Pinkalicious, Maple Yellow, Sea Breeze and Sweet Leaf) onto a white base. I LOVE Altenew inks and I am slowly building my collection of them.

Then I stamped the same blocks onto white card and die-cut the letters/doubles. These are special double cut dies, so you get a solid and the outline - here is a close-up example of how they look -

I mixed and matched my placement of them and you get such a fun effect. I can't wait to do more things with them.

Show us your square makes and pop over to Retro Rubber and get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends April 17th.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



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Thanks Cx