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Thursday, September 5, 2019

CASology LOL..


I love a pun / humourous card, so the current CASology challenge had me itching to join in.

I decided to use the great 'Life Alert Button' sentiment stamp by Riley & Company.. It makes me LOL every time.

I used a royalty-free vector by Vanilla Designs for my knitting lady and stamped the sentiment over vellum to keep my card as CAS as possible..

I love how it came out and I can think of the perfect person to send it to.



  1. This is really precious. I just love that sentiment! Fun card. Thanks so much for making me laugh and playing along at CASology.

  2. this image is cute, and the sentiment wonderful.. what a fun card!

  3. Cute! I have this sentiment stamp. :) You found the perfect image for it!!!

  4. Bwahaha! This is brilliant and is SO my mom! Next time we meet up I'll have to tell you her "dishy" EMT story.


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