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Monday, July 15, 2019

Add some foil..


Happy Monday!

Hope you had a good weekend.

I am getting prepped and excited now, as Hubby and I leave for his 40th birthday trip to Ibiza and London on Thursday! WHOOP!!

Today I am showing you a good way to get the most out of a small sheet of Deco Foil.

I have a Deco Foil pen - love this, it's a great way to add foil to your projects without a foiling machine.

Basically, you use the pen to draw lines, dots, whatever you want, apply your foil and then run it through your die-cutting machine and then peel off the foil and it will have stuck to the parts that you drew with the pen. Fun and easy. Here is a tutorial.

The main card uses the panel that I really wanted to create with my foil sheet - a large striped panel. But that left SO much foil unused on the sheet, so I got a bunch of paper offcuts/shapes and added Deco pen dots to them to create all these backgrounds -

Sorry about the glare, really hard to photograph foil!

Fun way to get a bunch of fun foiled backgrounds and minimise waste.

I have created one other card using the foiled backgrounds - 

Fun way to add some added interest and shimmer to my projects.

Here's a list of what I used for each card.
Wildflowers card:
Ellen Hutson - Mondo Wildflowers stamps and dies
Sentiments - Ellen Hutson Mondo Sakura

Party Fox card:
Avery Elle - Party Fox stamps and dies
Sentiment banner die by Lil Inker Designs

Both cards were coloured using Copic Sketch Markers.



  1. Claire that foil looks so elegant. Wonderful floral stamp. Have a fun birthday celebration....mine is coming up too, hehe.

  2. Oh yeah...I'm past

    1. Lisa :) So am I, it is Hubby who is turning 40. xx


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