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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Retro Rubber Challenge #110...Use Flowers...


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge.

This time we have a fave theme of mine, use flowers on your card -

I have SO many flower stamps, so it was a hard choice here..

I chose a great stamp by Unity Stamp Co. 'Wishing you Joy' I have had it since 2015 and it got a lot of use when I first got it, so it was great to dig it out and have a bit of a play with it.

I blended Distress Oxide Picked Raspberry and Worn Lipstick all around the bottom of my white panel, then I stamped the pretty Unity flowers with some only peeking in. I die-cut the panel using a stitched rectangle die and added the sentiment by Studio G that I have had since 2014 and it gets SO much use.

I love the unusual bottom panel I created, it works really well and I've left the flower stamp out, so I can play some more!

I bet you all have a ton of flower stamps, which ones will you choose for your projects? Pop over to Retro Rubber and get inspired by the flowery things the DT have made.

Challenge ends May 17th.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.


1 comment:

  1. It's a deceptively simple card at first look but the stitched detailing and the smooth blending of the colour make it shine.


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