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Monday, February 4, 2019

Snarky Work Calendar..


Happy Monday!

I have been absent from my blog for a few days as I was horribly unwell last week. I am on the mend now, but sadly Hubby now has the lurgy..

I thought today I would share my fun calendar that I made for my work desk..

JT (who incidentally is here in NYC right now - WHOOP!) bought me the awesome Tim Holtz snarky stickers as part of our BF $20 challenge and I thought they would make a hilarious calendar.

Here's a close-up -

My particular fave is 'Of course I talk to myself..Sometimes I need an expert opinion.' LOL.


1 comment:

  1. What a fun calendar. Glad to hear that you are on the mend and hopefully your husband will be too. This cruddy weather hasn't helped any. Stay warm and snuggly.


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