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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Retro Rubber Challenge #105...Sketch Challenge..


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge with a little twist this time, as we are partnering with Try Stamping On Tuesday!

We are featuring their sketch as our challenge.

You know how much I love a sketch and a challenge, so this is double the fun!

You can link up your entry with both challenges. Check them out at Try Stamping On Tuesday!

I had so much fun creating my card. First I masked off half a sheet of white card and created the blue part of my blended background, once that was complete I moved the tape a bit to create the green part.

I die-cut it out, so that I would get more blue than green to help me create a mini scene.

I used the grass and Cow stamps from a great AMuse Studio set 'Go Hog Wild' that I have had since 2017.

I mounted that little scene onto a spotty card blank and added the banners and the sentiment.

Love it! It's a bit off the wall, I mean how often do you see a birthday Cow scene?

Show us your interpretation of the sketch and pop over to Retro Rubber and Try Stamping On Tuesday and get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends March 9th.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



  1. Growing up on a dairy farm, I love anything with cows, so this is very appealing to me! CUTE!

  2. love this cute cow. very cute. go ahead and link it up to the Try Stampin on Tuesday challenge post. Been lovely to see you work with our sketch.

  3. Super cute card, Claire! The cow is adorable, and your polka dot background gives the card an even stronger sense of whimsy!!! Thank you for sharing your creativity and sense of humor with us at TSOT! -Donna

  4. Oh gosh, love the cow! What a fun set, and you picked the perfect papers to set her off! Love it! Thanks so much for playing at TSOT!

  5. Wonderful! I grew up on a dairy farm, so have a bit of a soft spot for cows. Be a great card for my brother, the farmer!

  6. Haha!!! Super cute cow, love the pattern paper and that sweet, grassy background.

  7. That cow is amazing!! Everything just goes together so well on your card. Thanks for joining us at TSOT!

  8. cute card, congrats
    have a great day

  9. Thanks for sharing your moovelous card with us at TSOT ( did you see what I did there lol) - I love that polka dot background too!

  10. Cute card, you did a fabulous job of following the sketch and the challenge to use an old stamp. thanks for joining us at try stampin'


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