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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Catch The Bug: Annual Birthday Bash.. Thursday Colour Challenge..


I am back again today playing along with the Catch The Bug Annual Birthday Bash.

Today we have a colour challenge for you -

I love the Love Monsters stamp and it is one I pull out a lot for Anniversaries. This time I coloured it to match the colours in the challenge.

I love these weird Oval window dies, but I rarely use them, but as I wanted to add some washi tape behind the image, I thought they would be perfect.

The amazing sparkly tapes that accidentally match the theme were a gift to me from JT.

The sentiment is by MFT and felt like a great fit for this card.

It's going to make a perfect Valentine's for someone,

Pop over to Catch The Bug to see what the rest of the DT have made.

Want play along?
HOW TO PLAY: Enter up to 3 times with a project using the colours above. If you use a Bugaboo Image, you could WIN 10, 7 or 4 Bugaboo Images of your choice. We LOVE to see what you do with your Bugaboos! If you NEED a Bugaboo Stamp to use, head on over to the store and get the Friday Freebie! If you have a wonderful NON-Bugaboo Image you'd like to use, you’ll be eligible for 7 or 4 Bugaboo Stamps Images of your choice if you’re one of our winners! All entries must be new and follow the sketch.
You have until 6 am Sunday, January 20, 2019 to join the sketchy fun go over to Catch The Bug to link up your project.



  1. This is a super card Claire, xxxx

  2. Claire this is an adorable card. Love the ribbon.

  3. Love your creation Claire. I love the shape of the image and of course the monsters are just soooo cute.
    Lynn aka Lynnpenguin, Bugaboo DT Teamie


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