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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Retro Rubber #95 School Days...


Welcome to another fun Retro Rubber challenge.

We have a fun 'School Days' theme, you can be inspired by the photo or great a School themed card..

The awesome challenge image inspired me to pull out my fave Clearly Besotted 'Apple of my Eye' sets (slightly different now) - there are x2 and they are from 2015 and 2016 respectively.

I had a LOT of fun creating the background -

Yes - 9 stamp blocks were used!! I have x3 different stamp platforms, but sometimes only a stamp block (or blocks) will do.

When Heffy Doodle first announced that they would be launching a stamp / die collection, I saw a Instagram post that featured the 'Happy Snappy Crocs' set and I had to have it.

I stamped one of the Crocs from the set onto green chevron paper and die-cut him out using the co-ordinating die, the beauty of these dies is that his 'hands / paws / claws' have a little notch for holding things. Cue a mad hunt for an apple in my stamps that was small enough to fit - I think the one I found is by Ellen Hutson.

I didn't want to cover my background too much, so I cut a piece of vellum and stamped the sentiment from the Clearly Besotted set using Stazon, directly onto the vellum.

I love this card, the little Croc really makes me happy.

Show us your interpretation of the photo and pop over to Retro Rubber and get inspired by the things the DT have made.

Challenge ends Sept 21st.

Don't forget to tell us the age of your stamp, that is part of the fun of our challenge and please only enter 10 challenges including Retro Rubber.



  1. I'm so happy to be able to read how you made this card, Claire, because I truly thought the background was designer paper! FANTASTIC job!! The gator is adorable and think doing the sentiment onto vellum was genius! I need to do that more!! Your cards always make me smile, teamie! Have a great rest of your week.

  2. DITTO!!!!! WOW!! Awesome, fabulous job on that background. And lets not forget that little gator, oh my, my.....what a cutie pie.
    Love the sentiment done on vellum, covering all of that hard work you did on your background would have been sad.
    Awesome card, teammate.


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