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Monday, July 23, 2018

Always My Rockstar...


Happy Monday.

I had a fun weekend helping Hubby celebrate his 39th birthday..I feel like he is never ever going to reach 40!!

We had a blast with our friends on Friday night and so Saturday was a rather slow start.. But we managed to make it out and go for a birthday lunch - nothing fancy as originally planned, just a nice low-key lunch at one of our fave spots.

I had a specific idea in mind when making Hubby's birthday card, but sadly I couldn't find the right stamps to execute it..

So I went with plan b..

We both like Bulldogs / Pitt Bulls, etc and one day we hope to own one, so my Brutus Monroe 'Rockstar Pets' stamps were a perfect fit, especially as Hubby likes to mix music. Bulldog wearing headphones = perfection.

Hubby liked it - his exact words were 'that is an awesome stamp'.


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