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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Winter has arrived...


So it's officially Christmas break - whoop whoop!

As you know there has been an influx of babies in my life recently!

First some background, I have a friend Michelle - well really she is a Sister after 25 years of friendship. She is from Seattle and we met at University in Plymouth. Cue many years of backwards and forwards between Seattle and London. Her family are my family and vice versa.

Michelle moved to Hawaii a few years ago and she is an amazing artist and Hawaii has brought out the best in her work (in my opinion).

Michelle's family are still in Seattle and Wesley her brother is a firm friend of mine and this week his girlfriend had their baby boy - Winter Kanade.

Winter was a bit early (5 weeks..) so my plans had to be accelerated a bit, so I am still working on some items for him. But I did manage to create the card you see today for them.

Both Wesley and his girlfriend are into superheroes / star wars etc and they have the cutest dog, so naturally there had to be a superhero and a dog on the card.

As we all knew Winter was going to be a boy, I wanted to say 'hello' on the card and not 'it's a boy'.

This card is essentially a CASE of a card I previously made, so I am pleased that the design is versatile enough to be a baby card too! The Hero and Dog stamps are by Lil Inkers.


1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous card and I love the story behind it x


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