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Friday, November 10, 2017

Christmas Card 2017: Your Next Stamp..Hic!


Happy Friday.

I have been having a lot of fun at my desk making special cards for my peoples. I normally only make individual cards at Christmas for my parents, Hubby and JT. Mainly because I never leave myself enough time to do this..

This year I really wanted to make some special cards for my Nephew and Niece and for some of the people that I really really could not live without.

Today's card is actually for JT's parents, they are the BEST thing to happen to Hubby and I ever! They are fun, inclusive, sweet, funny, food loving, gambling, booze hounds that are not at all like parents to me, more like BFFs. I literally adore them. Sadly life gets in the way and we haven't seen each other much this year.

We are seeing them next weekend and I know it's early, but I wanted to hand deliver their card, so it doesn't get sucked into the USPS missing Christmas card vortex... its a thing. For realz.

I love this stamp set by Your Next Stamp and I actually made JT's card with it last year, talk about keeping it in the family!

As I mentioned yesterday box of shame has produced gold...the background for this card was all ready to go! Love that.

Have a great weekend, I am all wiggly with excitement, craftgang are doing Cheiron's 2nd Holiday Extravaganza class hosted by The Inkpad tomorrow - ALL DAY!! Yay.


1 comment:

  1. Love this fun image and great background. Enjoy playing this weekend x


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