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Monday, November 13, 2017

CASology: Tiny Reindeer Mugs...


Happy Monday.

I had a fun Saturday at the all day class, so good to see all of the craftgang again, it had been a while.

Will show you all the makes later on this week.

Today I am entering the latest CASology challenge.

Great excuse to use some of those smaller stamps that come in sets. As I have been making Christmas cards, I recently saw the great Reindeer mug in the Neat and Tangled Beary Merry set, but didn't actually get a chance to use it.

So I pulled it out to create my entry. I decided to make a kind of border using the mug stamp, it works really well and you still get a lot of clean white space, making it very CAS. Super easy stamp to colour, I used Distress Inks and a paintbrush.

Another fun card to add to my Christmas card stash.



  1. Those little mugs are adorable! I need to remember this. I always feel bad about how many small image stamps get neglected. You could really knock out a whole bunch of cute cards using this design.

  2. Claire, a fun card indeed! Look at those little cute! Great coloring, too -- so soft and subtle. So glad you joined in the fun at CASology!

  3. Those reindeer mugs are adorable!! Beautiful CAS design! Thanks so much for sharing with us at CASology! Anna xo

  4. This is just adorable. Love that you created a row of mugs x


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